Study The Effect of Stirring Speed And Particle Size on the Tensile Strength of the Aluminum Matrix Composite (Al6063-2wt% Al2O3)
This research examines the effect of stirring speed and size of the alumina particles added of Al6063 on the tensile properties of the Al-6063 reinforced by Al2o3 Particles using the program MINITAB 16. Stir casting method has been used to produce a composite material, the ingot was smelted, vortex of molten metal were created by stirring using different speeds (1000,900,800,700,600 rpm) and a fixed period of time (10min.) and then alumina particles of (2% wt) and different sizes of (700,500,355,250,106 μm) were added. It was concluded that the best tensile strength of (107.5989 Mpa) can be obtained when the variables were (X1 = 1000 rpm) (X2 =374.4μm). The lights value of X1 and X2, obtained using the programs, was used in practice giving tensile strength (109 Mpa) which it nearly similar to that obtained by program. Also results show that the variables Stirring Speed (X1) & Particle Size (X2) have a significant effect on tensile strength. Moreover, the tensile strength increases with increasing stirring speed. Alumina particle size increases the tensile strength until the particles reach the size of particulate (335μm) and after that go down.
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