An Experimental Study on Settlement for Gypseous Soil Using Electrical Method


  • Methaq A. Talib Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Diyala, 32001 Diyala, Iraq
  • Qasim A. Aljanabi Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Diyala, 32001 Diyala, Iraq



Gypseous soil, Electro osmosis, DC voltage, Settlement, Boundary conditions


This paper provides an experimental study on the effect of electro-osmosis in improving the properties of gypseous soil ,two type of gypseou s soil used in this study with gypsum content of 30% and 60%. the test modle in inner size (30x30x30)cm ,water tank (50x50x35)cm and arectangular plate (5x5)cm used to simulate arigid foundation.Time settlement  tests were performed for the 10 volt model in addition to the reference readings (without applying any voltage for comparison )with the applied load change where a load (20and28) T/m2used.  Boundary conditions that considered as variables were the gypseous content  , time , load apply and corresponding settlement. Conditions such as vertical load, depth and geometry of electrodeThe results showed a general trend of improvement where it was found percentagof emprovement increases with increasing The gypsum content  due to the movement of salt ions within the soil from the anode towards the cathode reducing the occurrence of settlement.


  1. Applying DC voltage to the gypsious enhances the surface settlement versus time behavior of such soils.
  2. The soil gypseous is responsed to technique the electro- osmosis.                                
  3. Increasing the applied loads causes a consequent increase to the electro osmoses deflection response due to the effect of excessive stresses.
  4. There is no recognized context to the variation of degree of improvement due to time of testing progress.
  5. many researches can be done by changing the levels of voltage, as well as changing the type of electrodes used, in addition to the possibility of changing the dimensions of a rigid footing.



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2021-03-15 — Updated on 2021-03-15

How to Cite

“An Experimental Study on Settlement for Gypseous Soil Using Electrical Method”, DJES, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 76–85, Mar. 2021, doi: 10.24237/djes.2021.14107.

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