Finite Element Investigation of the Ultimate Capacity of FRP Strengthening Soffit Curved Girders
curved-soffit girders, strengthening, FE numerical simulation, curvature, Analysis, FRP, RC girderAbstract
In recent decades, fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) has been increasingly used to reinforce curved reinforced concrete girders. The main objective of this research is to study the effect of curvature on the performance of curved reinforced concrete (RC) girders reinforced with fiber reinforced polymers (FRP). Five models with a length of 6 m and different degrees of curvature (1,2,3,4,5) mm/m were used, each with dimensions similar to the models used in cross-sectional area and effective extension similar to those of the source model. The modeling was in Ansys software and the girders were simulated to obtain the load deflection with respect to the mid span, failure load and failure pattern, in order to understand the effect of variable curvature on the performance of this type of structural element, it was applied under one central load from the middle of the girder length until failure. It was observed that the curvature pitch of 5 mm/m reduced the load-bearing capacity of the c RC curved girders by 7.33%.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Marwa Zaid, Qusay wahhab, Usamah Mahdi

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