Green Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Biological Activities of Ag-Mno Nanocomposites from Cyttaranthus Congolensis.
Cyttaranthus congolensis, Silver, Manganese nanocompositesAbstract
This study conducts biogenic synthesis of Ag-MnO nanocomposites whose aqueous extract from Cyttaranthus congolensis was used as a reducer and stabiliser. The characterisation of these particles by UV–visible spectroscopy made it possible to identify the band linked to the surface plasmon resonance located at approximately 380 nm. X-ray diffraction and fluorescence allowed determining the presence of particles of formula Ag 0.21 Mn 0.28 O having crystallised in a monoclinic system (a= 5.8517 , b = 3.4674 , c = 5.4838 and β = 107.663°). A spherical morphology was observed by scanning electron microscopy. The haemolytic activity carried out on human blood indicated that Ag-MnO nanocomposites are not toxic to human blood. Moreover, these particles showed a good antibacterial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative strains of bacteria. Promising results on the anthelmintic activity of Ag-MnO nanocomposites against several pathogenic helminths are reported in this paper. In addition to antibacterial and anthelmintic activities, Ag-MnO nanocomposites also exhibited good anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Giresse N. Kasiama, Carlos N. Kabengele, Jason T. Kilembe, Jules M. Kitadi, Michel Mifundu, Jean Paul Ngbolua, Damien S.T. Tshibangu, Dorothée D. Tshilanda, Pius T. Tshimankinda

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