Energy, Exergy, and Environmental Emission Analysis of a Crude Oil- Fired AL-Musayib Thermal Station in Iraq
Power, Power plant, Environmental ImpactAbstract
Two widely used techniques for assessing the efficiency of Steam power plants are energy-exergy assessments. Exergy analysis has lately increased in importance for comprehending mechanism and process control. With today's strict rules about energy security, conservation, and reclamation through several methods, the aforementioned strategy is detrimental. An integrated Steam power plant powered by crude oil, with a single unit processing 200 MW, is the subject of the present study. Based on the energy analysis, the installed condenser accounts for about 56.16% of the total energy loss, making it the primary piece of equipment responsible for energy destruction. The boiler, which is the main piece of equipment in the entire facility, has an exergy destruction of 84.14% according to the analyzed exergy analysis. when the outside temperature rises from 20 to 45 °C. Additionally, CO2 and SO2 emissions decreased by 0.79% and 0.75%, respectively.
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