Video Steganography Using LSB Substitution and Sobel Edge Detection
EdgeDetection, Video, Edges, mask, threshold, Sobel Operator, FramesAbstract
The procedure that involves the in closure of information without altering its intuitive standard is called data embedding. In this paper the secret message (English text) is hidden in the edge of the frames of the .AVI video without changing the details of frames. MATLAB R2013a is utilized to execute this algorithm. The secret message was embedded in the frames 38,39,40,41 and 42 and the reason of selecting those frames is that these frames have sufficient edge point details in them. High embedding and superior quality of encoded secret messages have been accomplished by this design. Additionally, in this project the cover frame image is represented by a 120 frames size 120* 160, and the secret message has been represented with a message comprised of 300 characters Both Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and the Mean Square Error (MSE) have been taken into consideration while analyzing the suggested method as we calculated both PSNR and MSE between the cover frames and the embedded ones. The results obtained were objectively good as the PSNR value ranges from 74.5293dB to 75.9123 dB
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