Evaluation of Reuse of Demolition and Construction Waste in Geotechnical Engineering Works with A Case Study: Mosul City (Review)
Construction and demolition waste, Soil properties improvement, Mosul cityAbstract
Demolition and construction waste are among the topics that focus by many researchers. The methods of reuse of waste materials must reduce the economic and environmental pressure of their presence in various regions. Before 2014, the city of Mosul contained relatively small quantities of demolition and construction debris, especially concrete rubble, asphalt materials, and bricks (they formed approximately 80% of the construction and demolition debris). These materials increased very greatly after the liberation operations and the widespread destruction of large parts of the city and became a great problem in the reconstruction operations. There is no clear plan yet in the city to deal with this debris, and it is disposed of by moving them to another place or burying them randomly when rebuilding the destroyed parts. This study shows to deal with demolition and construction debris in Mosul after liberation and during reconstruction operations. Also, many sources and data dealing with the re-use of demolition and construction debris in the field of geotechnical engineering for operations to improve the engineering properties of soils are presented. Many papers show the possibility of using construction and demolition waste as an alternative base or sub-base materials, fill for embankments, or increase durability and reduce the swelling and plasticity of clay. The study concludes that the researches and data can be used to deal with the rubble of demolition and construction in Mosul in a way that enables to benefit from it economically and environmentally.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Mohammed Abdulnafaa, Ayman W. Aldabag , Hanan H. Alghyat

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