Biomechanical Analysis of The Effects of Distance Between Bone and Locking Compression Plate on Construct Stability
Locking Compression Plate (LCP),, Implant-Bone analogue construct., Finite Element AnalysisAbstract
Bone fractures which are treated, the Locking Compression Plate (LCP) with locked screws is commonly employed. Appropriate distance between the LCP and the bone may enhance periosteal blood supply. Aim: This study aims to determine the effect of distance between the LCP and the bone analogue on the stiffness of the locking compression plate itself using Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Method: To investigate the effect of distance between the LCP and three models bone of transversely fractured tibia, the bone fixed with locked Compression Plate (LCP) containing eight holes each is 4.5 mm using cortex screws. Results: The current study revealed that the stiffness construct will be reduced when the distance between the Locking Compression Plate and the bone analogue increased. Conclusion: To preserve the bone's peripheral blood supply, the plate should be kept at a small distance from the bone during internal fixation.
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