Study the Effect of Ingate Area on Mechanical Properties of As Cast (AL-0.4%Cu) Using ANN
As cast Al-0.4%Cu, Ingate Area, Mechanical properties, ANNAbstract
In the present work the effect of Ingate Area on the Mechanical properties (σmax, σyield, E and hardness, stiffness) of as cast Al-4%Cu alloy had been studied, molds were made by sand casting with different ingate area (1cm×1cm, 1.2cm×1.2cm, 1.4cm×1.4cm, 1.6cm×1.6cm, 1.8cm×1.8cm, 2cm×2cm, 2.2cm×2.2cm, 2.4cm×2.4cm and 2.6cm×2.6cm). The process was done in normal condition (T=25Cᵒ, dry sand, constant speed, constant pour distance), while the casts prepared for the testing as a work piece to get the results. Also, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) had been adopted to predict the values of outputs (mechanical properties) and getting the mathematical equations that describe the relations between input and outputs parameters. From the results of the proposed work it conclude that mechanical properties magnitudes had been increased due to increasing in ingate area cast, and the relations between the ingate area and mechanical properties) had been detected depending on the results that gotten from ANN.
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