State-of-the-art of Historic Building Information Modelling - HBIM Trends in the Built Heritage - Review Paper
HBIM, Built Heritage, 5D Representation, Documentation, Historic Building, State-of-the-artAbstract
Built Heritage is a significant division of cultural heritage. Thanks to their economic, symbolic, social, and cultural values, Built Heritage performs an essential task in achieving cultural distinction and promoting local identity. The paper focuses on the growing role of HBIM in the field of the Built Heritage due to the benefits of BIM systems, which are characterized by the creation of digital information models with multi-dimensions. These dimensions give HBIM an essential task in the representation of Built Heritage that defined by multi-criteria. The study seeks to determine the approaches of utilizing BIM techniques in the Built Heritage area to classify the current trends of the studies that dealt with the research problem. Also, it aims to analyse HBIM techniques that employed in the discipline of Built Heritage, highlighting the procedures and methods used in these studies and researches, underlining the integration of HBIM with other technologies (e.g. Virtual Reality-VR, Augmented Reality-AR, Artificial Intelligence techniques -AI), and determining the potential of the HBIM system in these fields. The research is established on academic studies and researches analyses that have adopted the HBIM system in the sector of the Built Heritage to present a set of conclusions for current and future use of this technology.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Khalid A. Hussein, Emad Hani Ismaeel

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