Novel Method Using Crossover (Genetic Algorithms) With Matrix Technique to Modifying Ciphering by Using Playfair


  • Mohammed Sami Mohammed Education College for Pure Science, Diyala University



PlayFair, Genetic Algorithm, Crossover, Cipher Text, Offspring


Two techniques combined with each other, to get complex one. One from technique of genetic algorithm (GA) and the other is PlayFair cipher method, in this research using one step of Genetic Algorithm (GA) which called Crossover to make offspring of two parents (characters) to get one or two new character by using these techniques then using PlayFair technique to cipher text (plain text). So the person who wants to break code, two techniques must know.
This research is a novel method of ciphering by getting a new generation of offspring from two characters, when we give a new theory of symbols as mention in research.


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How to Cite

“Novel Method Using Crossover (Genetic Algorithms) With Matrix Technique to Modifying Ciphering by Using Playfair”, DJES, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 97–106, Sep. 2013, doi: 10.24237/djes.2013.06307.

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