Feasibility Study of Hybrid Energy System for off-Grid Electrification in Rural Areas
Hybrid energy systems, Cost of energy, HOMER, Rural electrificationAbstract
Hybrid energy systems is an energy system which employs the combination of various renewable energy sources (solar, wind, biomass, hydro, and hydrogen fuel) with conventional energy sources to supply electricity. These systems have become reliable and most cost-effective as compare to single-source energy system for rural electrification. The objective of the present study is to address the demand for electrification of remote rural village in eastern Iraq. The methodology is carried out for optimization of hybrid energy system comprising (Photovoltaic, battery, diesel generator) by using HOMER to minimize the cost of energy and the greenhouse gas emissions. For different configuration of energy sources, the capital cost, net present cost and cost of energy is determined for the optimized hybrid energy system on the basis of the electric consumption demand for the selected site. The simulation results show that the most techno-economic analysis for hybrid energy system can feed the rural village in eastern Iraq to meet a daily load of 30 kW has consisted of 6 kW photovoltaic array, 7 kW power inverter, 20 units of battery (305 Ah and 6V) and 35 kW wind turbines. The optimized energy system has a cost of energy about $ 0.117/kWh and total net present cost by about $14800. The environmental assessment of the hybrid system shows that the greenhouse gases emissions will reduce about 25ton CO2/year (16968 kg/year) in the local atmosphere.
The techno-economic and environmental feasibility assessment of hybrid power system is carried out for off-grid village in eastern Iraq. HOMER is used to determine the optimum configuration of HES. The simulation results showed that the optimal combination of hybrid system for the selected area having a daily load of 35.5 kW is consisted of 6kW PV array (20 modules), 20 units of storage battery,7 units of WT (5 kW/unit), 7 kW power converter. The total NPC $14800, and COE $ 0.117 obtained from the optimal system combination.
The utilization of HES of PV/WT/battery can prevent the emission release of 14,927 kg/year of CO2, 36.8 kg/year of CO, 329 kg/year of NOx, 30 kg/year of SO2, 4.08 kg/year of HC, and 278 kg/year of suspended particles. The higher renewable fraction of the system (100%), the system has a low GHG emission and can be considered to be suitable for the environment.
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