The Effect of Adding Shear Connectors to the Composite Slabs with Different Geometry of Profile Steel Sheet
Composite slabs, Shear connectors, Profile steel sheet, End slip, Longitudinal shear mode of failureAbstract
The aim of this research is to investigate experimentally the effect of adding shear connectors to the composite deck slabs which have various geometries of steel sheeting. The behavior and resistance of composite slab is basically depending on the development of longitudinal shear resistance. In this study six specimens of composite deck slabs which have different types of geometries of steel sheets (trapezoidal, triangle and T-shapes) with dimensions (1850mm x 500mm x 110mm) were casted and tested under four-point load in presence and absence of shear connectors in order to evaluate the behavior and longitudinal shear resistance of composite slabs. The results show that the adding shear connectors to composite slabs with trapezoidal shape and triangle shape act to increase ultimate load capacity by 22.2% and 17.8% respectively as compared with composite slabs without shear connectors while effect of adding shear connectors to the composite slab with T-shape was very little or can be neglected. As well as the adding shear connectors to composite slabs with trapezoidal shape and triangle shape act to decreasing the deflection as compared with the same load also act to enhance the general performance of slabs.
ConclusionFrom the results of the tested composite slabs specimens, the following conclusions can be drawn: -
- The presence shear connectors in composite slabs with trapezoidal shape and triangle shape act to increase ultimate load capacity by (22.2% and 17.8%) respectively as compared with composite slabs without shear connectors while the effect of adding shear connectors to the composite slab with T-shape was very little or can be neglected.
- The adding shear connectors to the composite slabs with trapezoidal shape and triangle shape lead to decrease the deflection after slip happened as compared with the same load while the deflection in the composite slabs with T-shape was approximately same in presence and absence of shear connectors.
- The development of strain in composite slabs with trapezoidal shape and triangle shape in presence shear connectors were more than absence of shear connectors while the ultimate strain in composite slab with T-shape was approximate same in presence and absence of shear connectors.
- The adding shear connectors to composite slabs in specimens with trapezoidal shape and triangle shape act to development of maximum end slip to 6.404mm and 10mm respectively while the slip in specimens with T-shape was zero in all the stage o loading.
- The composite slabs which have Triangle shape failed by flexural failure and showed full interaction whereas the composite slabs which have trapezoidal shape and triangle shape failed by horizontal shear failure and showed partial interaction.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ibrahim Abbas, Amer M. Ibrahim, Teeba A. Jassim

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