The Effect of Biogas Composition on the Characteristics of the Combustion Process
Biogas, Landfill gas, Combustion, Biogas of variable composition, Combustion calculation, Combustion temperatureAbstract
Biogas can serve as a substitute for natural fuel, but its use is associated with a number of features associated with the difference in its composition from natural gas. Landfill gas generated in the body of MSW landfills is characterized by a significant change in composition. The purpose of the work was a theoretical study of the effect of changing the composition of biogas and the coefficient of excess air on the parameters of the combustion process - gas and air consumption, combustion temperature and on the volume of combustion products. The influence of the ratio of CO2 and N2 contained in biogas on the main combustion characteristics was also evaluated. It is concluded that the combustion of biogas of variable composition, subject to ensuring the specified heat output of the furnace or boiler, does not require a change in air flow, but only a change in the flow of biogas depending on the content of methane in it. Reducing the content of methane leads to an increase in the volume of exhaust gases and a decrease in their temperature. Therefore, a decrease in the methane content in biogas can lead to a decrease in the intensity of heat exchange and a decrease in the efficiency of the unit. The ratio of CO2 and N2 practically does not affect the thermal parameters of combustion. The results of the study are necessary when designing equipment and determining the operating mode of equipment that burns biogas that is formed in natural conditions, for example, landfill gas generated at HSW landfill.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Evgeny Leonov, Pavel Trubaev

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