Structural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams with Inclined Circular Holes
Structural Behavior;, deep beam;, stresses, hollow beam;, neutral axis;Abstract
The loads in the deep beams are transmitted diagonally from the load area to the support area by means of the strut and the tie. It is characterized by having a small span to depth ratio. which causes the distribution of stresses to be non-linear within the beam, which motivates researchers to study the effect of the placing of longitudinal hollows and the extent to which these holes affect the behavior and distribution of stresses for these types of beams. In addition to the advantages added by longitudinal hollow to the beam such as reducing weight and passing various electrical and mechanical services...etc. This study investigated the effect of making longitudinal circular holes (with a diameter of 50mm) with a slope on the structural behavior of three deep beams with a solid sample as a reference where the slope used was 0%, 4.3%, and 7.8%. The results showed that making holes reduces the load capacity of the deep beam, a decrease in the failure load was observed by 7.56%, 8.96%, and 11.2% for hollow beams with a slope of 0%, 4.3%, and 7.8%, respectively. Also, the appearance of flexural cracking increased by 2.66%, 2.66%, and 6.66%.and 2.14%, 3.52%, and 7.14%, respectively, for shear cracks. While the effect was small for the neutral axis location as well as for the vertical deflection.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Abbas H. Abdulabbas, Murtada A. Ismael

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