Fabrication of Two Layers Al/Cu Metal Composite by Roll Bonding Technique
Roll bonding technique RBT,, Al8112/Cu composite, Thickness reduction (R%), Bonding temperature (T)Abstract
The sheet metal of two-layer composite (Al/Cu) is considered as one of the most important products used in different engineering applications. The roll bonding technique (RBT) is an active process to fabricate the metal composite due to the occurrence of high deformation that leads to layers bonding together. In this study, Al8112 and pure Cu were selected as the metals to create a sheet composite (Al8112/Cu) by employing RBT on the basis of one cycle at various thickness reductions (R%; 45%, 50%, 55%, and 60%) and bonding temperatures (T; 350 °C, 400 °C, and 450 °C). The microstructure behaviour was examined to check the overlap bonding area for the composite layers. Vickers microhardness and tensile tests were also performed to measure the hardness, yield strength, and tensile strength. The results revealed that the R% had a strong effect on the interface bonding zone and hardness. It also had a significant effect on yield and tensile strength. On the other hand, T had a remarkable effect on the hardness and an important impact on the yield and tensile strength.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Sara Alzubaidi , Jabbar Gattmah, Sadettin Orhan

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