Post-fire performance of structural steel
Post-fire behaviour, Structural steel, Coupon test, Structural safetyAbstract
Carbon steel is widely used in building industry. The different structural element might be exposed to high temperature during fire. The structural safety of steel buildings must be evaluated after they have suffered a fire. The assessment requires understanding the behaviour of carbon steel after heating. Therefore, this paper is aimed at studying the post-fire behaviour of carbon steel. A total of seventeen coupon specimens were tested by uniaxial tensile test. One of them was tested without heating and considered as a reference. Sixteen specimens were heated at a temperature of either 400°C or 700°C for different durations. Eight specimens were cooled in air and the others cooled in water. Heating durations were 30 min, 60 min, 90 min and 120 min. Results showed that the high-temperature has a great influence on decreasing the ultimate and yield stress and elongation for specimens cooled in the air. For specimens cooled in water, the decreased in yield and ultimate stress was minor comparing to the reference specimen. The ductility of water-cooled specimens showed a noticeable reduction comparing to specimens cooled in air. Increasing the heating time results in higher elongation for specimens heated to 400oC and lower elongation for specimens heated to 700oC, but the specimen loses strength in both cases.
An experimental investigation was conducted in this study on the behaviour of carbon steel after elevated temperatures. The main conclusions of the study can be summarized as follows:
- The physical change, especially after the coupons were exposed to high temperatures, was only in thickness and did not affect another dimension another.
- Corrosion starts showing clearly in water-cooled specimens, that was heated to 700° C, whereas for specimens heated to 400° C no corrosion appears on the surface of specimens.
- A clear reduction in the yield stress and ultimate strength can occur due to heating the steel to 400° C whether it was cooled in air or water. The maximum percentage of reduction in the yield strength and the ultimate strength are 21% and 16% respectively for the specimens cooled in air. For the water-cooled specimens, the decrease in the yield stress and the ultimate strength are 14% and 17% respectively. These ratios are after heating the specimens for 120 minutes.
- Heating the carbon steel to 700o C can reduce the yield stress and ultimate strength 19% and 13% respectively for the specimens cooled in air. For the water-cooled specimens, the decrease in the yield stress and the ultimate strength was in significant. These ratios are after heating the specimens for 120 minutes. It is recommended to cool the carbon steel using water to avoid strength reduction.
- There is no significant difference in the yield strength and ultimate strength of steel heated to 400 °C or 700°C and cooled in air.
- The yield strength and the ultimate strength of steel heated to 700°C and cooled in water can be higher than that heated to 400°C and cooled in water.
- The elongation of steel heated to 700°C and cooled in water can be lower than that heated to 400°C and cooled in water.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Qahtan Adnan Sulayman, Mohammed Mahmood

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