Efficient Routing in VANETs Using MRRP Algorithm


  • Layth Kamil Almajmaie Department of Computer Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq Baghdad
  • Wisam A. Mahmood Department of Computer Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq Baghdad
  • Ahmed Raad Raheem Department of Computer Engineering, University of Diyala, Iraq
  • Saad Albawi Department of Computer Engineering, University of Diyala, Iraq
  • Oguz Bayat Altinbas University, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey




Mobile Ad-hoc networks, Vehicular Ad-hoc networks, Multi Path Route Restoration , Protocol


Designing a reliable routing protocol for Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) poses considerable challenges due to certain unique challenges inherently present in Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) topology. Some of them are needed for vehicles acting as nodes having to abide by traffic rules, uncertain inter-vehicular speed variations that may affect link stability etc. Designing a routing protocol capable of dealing with multiple limiting conditions such as long congestion periods, link failures and handoffs is a challenging task, where most of the existing multipath routing protocol shows poor performance. In this paper, the proposed Multipath Route Restoration Protocol (MRRP)is aimed at providing a robust communication channel in case of link failure between nodes. This is realized by focusing on better route maintenance for the protocol. In a wireless network, a routing protocol determines the particular ways in which routers connect. In a wireless network, as the number of hops in a wireless communication path increases, various signal factors such as interference and path loss degrade the network performance. however, sending data over a longer distance will reduce throughput. Furthermore, link stability is substantially impacted by the unpredictable movement of vehicles. Multipath routing is regarded as a potential solution to improve packet delivery and end-to-end delay in VANETs.


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How to Cite

“Efficient Routing in VANETs Using MRRP Algorithm ”, DJES, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 134–146, Sep. 2023, doi: 10.24237/djes.2023.16311.

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