Design and Simulation of a 100 Gbps WDM FSO Communication Link for a 6G Backhaul Network Under Dust Conditions in Iraq


  • Salim Abdullah Hasan Technical Computer Engineering Department, AL-Hadba University, Mosul, Iraq
  • Abdulsattar Mohamed Ahmed Technical Computer Engineering Department, AL-Hadba University, Mosul, Iraq
  • Sayf A. Majeed Mechatronics Engineering Department, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq



Wavelength division multiplexing, Free space optical, Bit error rate, Visibility, Optisystem


High-data-rate services and applications are evolving continuously, leading to an exponential demand for new and efficient wireless communication systems. The development of next-generation 6G mobile communication technology aims to meet these performance requirements, with the main challenges being high capacity, massive connectivity, and low latency. One prospective solution is to use Free Space Optical (FSO) communication as a backhaul for 6G networks, providing high-capacity transmission without the requirement for physical cables. However, FSO links are highly vulnerable to environmental factors such as rain, fog, and dust storms, which can degrade signal quality and limit the transmission distance. In this paper, the design and simulation of a high-capacity free space optical (FSO) link for 6G backhaul applications in the presence of dust storms, considering the Iraqi environment, were investigated. The performance of the FSO link, operating at a data rate of 100 Gbps, was evaluated using Optisystem software. This evaluation was based on real visibility data related to dust storms collected from northern, central, and southern Iraq during 2008–2022. Dust storms significantly degrade the FSO signal, thereby reducing link distance under low visibility conditions. By incorporating wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) and high-gain Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) optical amplifiers, the FSO link achieved a maximum transmission distance of 266 meters under the worst visibility condition (V = 100 meters). This study highlights the viability of FSO technology for 6G networks in regions prone to frequent dust storms.


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How to Cite

“Design and Simulation of a 100 Gbps WDM FSO Communication Link for a 6G Backhaul Network Under Dust Conditions in Iraq”, DJES, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 197–212, Dec. 2024, doi: 10.24237/djes.2024.17412.

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