Effect of the Circular Perforations on the Heat Transfer Enhancement by the Forced Convection from the Rectangular Fins
Forced Convection, Heat transfe, perforated finAbstract
This study aims to investigate the effect of the circular perforation of the rectangular fin on the enhancement of the heat transfer by forced convection. The solid rectangular fin considered as a reference for comparison purpose with the perforated fin. The parameters taken into consideration are thermal properties and geometrical dimensions of the fin and its perforations. The area and heat transfer gain of the perforations fins were considered being the main parameters in this study. The results of this study showed that the heat dissipation was improved when used the perforation fins compared with the equivalent solid fin. The enhancement quantity of the heat dissipation from the fin depends on the thermal conductivity, the perforation dimension, thickness, longitudinal and lateral spacing. Finally, the perforating of the fins enhances the rate of heat dissipation as well as decreases the weight of the fin
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