Augmentation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in corrugated Channel: A Review Study


  • Hayder M. Jaffal Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Mustansiriyah Baghdad, Iraq
  • Ahmed R. AL-Obaidi Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Mustansiriyah Baghdad, Iraq
  • Ihsan A. Ghani Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Mustansiriyah Baghdad, Iraq



Corrugated channel, Heat transfer augmentation, Numerical, Experimental


The corrugation configuration played an important role in heat transfer enhancement in many engineering applications such as heat exchangers, microchannel heat sink, solar collectors, etc. The significance of the corrugation configuration is manifested in its ability to offer a larger heat transfer area more than a straight channel. Besides, the periodic interruption and redeveloping of the thermal boundary layer which is an important feature offered by corrugation is remarkably enhanced the heat transfer. The researchers were keen to take advantage of these features and develop them by manipulating geometrical parameters to obtain the optimal results. The current work aims to collect available research data, which focused on improving heat transfer in corrugated channels and identifying the most important factors affecting the performance of corrugated channels. Among the studied shapes of the various operating conditions of the corrugated channels, the researchers unanimously agreed that the trapezoidal shape of the corrugations gives the best thermal improvement with a reasonable pressure drop inside the channels.


Many studies were reviewed that sheds light on the most important influences of the corrugation configuration in various shapes on the thermal hydraulic performance of channels. Previous studies have compared characteristics of many shapes of corrugated channels including sinusoidal, trapezoidal, domestic, and V type. This study included a demonstration of the effects of several geometrical parameters on the heat transfer and pressure drop of the different shapes of corrugated channels. From the previous studies, there were several conclusions that can be included, which were as follows:

  1. Among the studied shapes of the various operating conditions of the corrugated channels, the researchers unanimously agreed that the trapezoidal shape of the corrugations gives the best thermal improvement with the most appropriate pressure drop inside the channels.
  2. The effect of space between the channels on the coefficient of heat transfer and friction factor was more pronounced than the phase shift change, especially at higher Reynolds number.
  3. A small influence of the phase shift on the performance of the corrugated channel. On the other hand, hydrothermal performance analysis shows that lower phase shifts lead to better hydrothermal performance.
  4. Increasing the corrugated angle improved the rate of heat transfer.
  5. The performance factor of the corrugated channel improves by decreasing the corrugations height.
  6. The symmetry arrangement of the corrugations recorded the highest heat transfer from the zigzag arrangement.


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How to Cite

“Augmentation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in corrugated Channel: A Review Study ”, DJES, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 31–56, Mar. 2021, doi: 10.24237/djes.2021.14104.

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