Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Heat Transfer of a Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Utilized α-Al2 O3 nanofluid


  • Mustafa S. Abdullah Department of Power Mechanics Techniques, Northern Technical University, 36001 Kirkuk, Iraq
  • Adnan M. Hussein Department of Power Mechanics Techniques, Northern Technical University, 36001 Kirkuk, Iraq




Nanofluid, Shell and coil heat exchanger, Thermal performance, Pitch ratio, Nusselt number


This study focused on investigating the impact of α-Al2O3 nanoparticles on heat transfer in shell and helical coiled tube heat exchangers. The objective was to analyze the influence of various geometrical characteristics, specifically the coil pitch, on the Nusselt numbers of both sides using a combination of numerical simulations and experimental methods. The working fluid for the hot side was water. The research encompassed an examination of the friction factor for three different coils, exploring the effects of pitch spacing on heat transfer, and assessing the influence of nanoparticles on heat transfer on the inner side of the coil. The findings of the current work indicated significant improvements in heat transfer parameters when employing water-α-Al2O3 nanoparticles as the cold fluid. Comparing this heat exchanger to one without the inclusion of α-Al2O3 nanoparticles revealed a remarkable efficiency enhancement of 7.68 percent. This increase strongly suggests a notable acceleration in the rate of heat transmission within the heat exchanger. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the utilization of α-Al2O3 nanoparticles in enhancing heat transfer in shell and helical coiled tube heat exchangers. The results highlight the potential benefits of incorporating nanoparticles into such systems, leading to improved performance and more efficient heat exchange processes.



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How to Cite

“Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Heat Transfer of a Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Utilized α-Al2 O3 nanofluid ”, DJES, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 64–81, Sep. 2023, doi: 10.24237/djes.2023.16306.

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