Prediction of Stresses Around Tunnel in Rock during Advancing TBM
Tunnel, Clay stone, Numerical, Stress DistributionAbstract
Drilling machines (TBM) used for civil engineering work in large towns to significantly reduce the harmful effects of expenditure on the earth's surface. The tunneling process complicated due to the dependence of this relationship on construction technology that lead to undesirable consequences such as damage to adjacent structures, so the use of the finite element method has become common to simulate construction stages model using the Hoek-Brown ,the methodology includes using the finite element method by constructing the model to predict the behavior of stresses during the tunnel construction stages and to collect the required data so that it is appropriate to the requirements of the region and to analyze the parameters of the numerical model entry and comparing the natural condition of the rocks during the various tunnel construction stages. During tunneling development, vertical stresses at the top and bottom of the tunnel are reduced while horizontal stresses are increased. Three vertical sections are selected to test the TBM tunnel 's impact on nearby rocks. The first section (x = 0) passes through the center of the tunnel. The second section is near the side edge of the tunnel whereas the third section is more or less selected than the edge of the tunnel. Progression of TBM is reflected through one to five phases. By conducting an axial symmetric FE analysis, the results of math measurement showed major changes in stress that occur in rock regions near the tunnel boundary mostly affects closeness to rocks. This increasing pressure decreases as you step horizontally away from the tunnel and the seams achieve exceedingly small values for lengths greater than 12 m from the edge of the tunnel.
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