Identification and Qualitative Evaluation of Risk Factors in the Construction Projects in Iraq


  • Noor Aletby Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Diyala
  • Hafeth Ibrahim Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Diyala



Risk management, Risk identification, Risk evaluation, Occurrence probability, Impact


Construction projects in Iraq face many dangers that cause exceeding the estimated cost of the project and not completing the project on time, and since the risk management process in construction projects is of great importance in controlling and reducing the impact of risks in construction projects, so it is necessary to identify these risks and evaluate them correctly in order to increase accuracy and the health of the subsequent stages of the risk management process in construction projects. This paper aims to identify the most important risks in construction projects in Iraq and to conduct a qualitative assessment of the identified risks and arrange them according to their importance. The researcher adopted the questionnaire method as a tool to determine the risks and used the technique of probability and effect matrix to conduct the qualitative assessment of the identified risks. The study found that there are 48 risk factors that constitute the most dangerous factor in construction projects in Iraq, and 10 of the determining factors were within the high level of risk, and at the forefront of which was the inability of the owner to finance the project.


Construction projects face many risks that cause exceeding the estimated project cost and not completing the project within the specified time and the identification of these risks is an important phase for managing and controlling them. Therefore, the authors attempt to identify risks that face the construction projects in Diyala governorate which help in construction project management. From the results, the authors concluded the follows:

  1. The study identified 48 risk factors, which represent the most common risks in construction projects in Iraq.
  2. From the result of qualitative risk analyses, 9 risk factors showed in the red zone of probability and impact matrix which reflects the high probability and impact of such factors, and these risks represented the most significant risk factors.
  3. The inability of the owner to finance the project represents the main risk factor that faces the construction projects and has the first rank according to influence level.


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How to Cite

“Identification and Qualitative Evaluation of Risk Factors in the Construction Projects in Iraq ”, DJES, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 91–101, Jun. 2021, doi: 10.24237/djes.2021.14209.

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