Improving the Characteristics of a Soft Clay Soil Using Cement Activated Low-Calcium Fly Ash
Soft soil, Stabilization, ; Strength parameters, Unconfined compressionAbstract
In this research, the potential improvement of some geotechnical characteristics of soft clay soil using the low Calcium fly ash was evaluated. (These characteristics include unit weight, shear strength, compaction characteristics and soil plasticity characteristics). In addition, the X-ray diffraction test was performed to measure the mineralogical changes in the soft clay soil when the low Calcium fly ash is added. The ordinary Portland cement was used to activate the fly ash. The total percent of flash and cement was10% to investigate the variation in the effectiveness of activation. The optimum moisture content that which computed by the compaction test was adopted in the rest of the experimental program. The test results revealed that the cement could be used to improve the activating of the fly ash efficiently. The maximum value of dry density was marginally affected due to activation from 1.747 to 1.738 g/cm3 along with a corresponding change in optimum water content from 17.45 to 15.5 %. The soil cohesion parameter increased from 188 to 206 kN/m2 whereas the angle of internal friction rose from about 56.7o to 59.1o. Finally, the results of the unconfined compression test reveal that the cement-activated fly ash could present better results than those obtained from a 28-days curing cement.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Qutaiba Majeed, Abdalla M Shihab M Shihab, Jasim M. Abbas, Saad Sh. Sammen

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