Varied learning as A New Upcoming Learning Method During the Pandemic in Architectural learning
Varied learning, Architectural learning, Face to face, E learning, Blended learningAbstract
Research problem: when the pandemic emerges and the threatens people's lives; social distance becomes one of the most important requirements to ensure the public safety. The social distance reaches the learning pillars, the instructor and the student, that’s why the new methods should be appeared, to solve the learning problem especially when the all-traditional ways cannot meet the pandemic safety criteria which requires social distance. The architectural studies especially the undergraduate have different learning courses; theoretical, practical and studio learning classes. That’s why the research problem is the “need the future learning method for the future and during the pandemic.
The research aims to find a method of learning that takes into account the current conditions in light of the Corona pandemic, suitable for lecturers and students.
Research methodology: The research will use the theoretical analytic for the learning methods to find the research concepts which will build the new learning method concept.
The research relied on the descriptive approach in analyzing the results of the questionnaire by comparing the learning approaches for the purpose of reaching varied learning. The questionnaire was analyzed using SPSS to reach the results.
The main conclusions are varied learning gives flexibility to students and instructors in temporal and spatial dimensions, allowing students and instructors to interact better, and a system that can be applied in critical times that requires the integration of a face-to-face learning system with various electronic learning.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Saad Fawzi Al- Nuaimi , Shaimaa M. Hamza

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