A Survey on Using BIM to Enhance Economic Sustainability in Artistic and Cultural Projects
BIM, Economic Sustainability, Artistic and Cultural ProjectsAbstract
Artistic and cultural buildings play a vital role in protecting national and cultural identity. Therefore, the necessity of adopting modern technologies when constructing and maintaining such buildings has become a necessity, especially with the continued growth of the construction industry and a move towards sustainable construction. Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a technology used to simplify and improve business performance in the construction industry while saving time and money. This paper aims to find the justifications for conducting research on the importance of using BIM to promote a sustainable economy in Iraqi artistic and cultural projects. This paper was conducted through literature reviews and field surveys of experts in such buildings. The results showed that there is a weak government effort to implement BIM and the owner does not request the use of BIM in the design and implementation of projects. In addition, BIM can also contribute to the efficient use of natural and industrial resources while reducing attrition and waste and improving energy efficiency by reducing energy consumption and using renewable energy. Accordingly, the researcher recommended the importance of conducting research on the importance of using BIM when creating artistic and cultural projects, in addition to the necessity of educating future generations about the concepts of sustainability and sustainable economy on a larger scale and the necessity of using biotechnology that preserves the environment and natural resources, as well as the necessity of educating the concerned authorities on how to do that.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Noor Mejwal Mahmood, Wadhah A. Hatem

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