Using of Advanced Communication Technology in the Construction Projects During the Implementation Stage
Communication, Collaboration, FTF, CMCAbstract
Iraq is a wide country in the area and construction projects have been distributed in many places, therefore this research studies the ability to use advanced communication tools such as computer-mediated communication instead of traditional communication (Face To Face). Revit application which based on BIM technology have been used , this application helped in exchange design information between designer and site engineer for in making decisions , solving problems ,reduce wasted time and reduce the expenses that occur as a result of the use of FTF communication .The results concluded from this research are that communication quantity in FTF was more than in CMC where Total Number of Words (TNOW) were in FTF 303 while in CMC 246 , The percentage of Number of Work Related Words said in CMC is higher than in FTF, it was 87% in CMC and 81% in FTF of the (TNOW) , it is indicating that communication in CMC more productive than communication in FTF, in addition to that the working time in CMC were (262 seconds every 5-minutes) slightly higher than in FTF were (252 seconds every 5-minutes), this explains that CMC was slightly more productive than FTF . Wasted time for FTF consistently higher than wasted time in CMC ,where the averages of wasted time spent for every 5 minutes were 32 second in FTF and 21 in CMC ,this is due to that FTF was easier than
CMC in terms of social speech. To identify degree collaboration between users in two methods by the total number of exchanges in CMC was higher than in FTF because most of the persons were having more interaction when using CMC.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Wadhah A. Hatem, Hafadh I. Naji, Zainab A. Abd Alkreem

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