Design of Nanofluid-Based Spring Water/Tap Water and Nanoparticles of Fe2O3/ZnO as a Coolant for the Engines
Spring water, Fe2O3,-tap water, ZnO-Spring water, Heat transfer coefficient, Overall heat transfer coefficientAbstract
In this work, an experimental system was established to measure the heat transfer characteristics, including the heat transfer coefficient, overall heat transfer, Nusselt number, and thermal conductivity. The investigation focused on spring water and tap water-based nanofluids containing Fe2O3 and ZnO nanoparticles with particle sizes of 50 nm and 70 nm, respectively. The experiments were conducted inside an automobile engine, studying the effects of varying nanoparticle volume fractions at a constant temperature. Fe2O3 and ZnO concentration in the respective based fluids was verified between 0.02 % and 0.08 % v/v and 0.01 and 0.07 %, respectively. The spring water is not so far used in the previous studies and is much more available in Kurdistan region. Reynolds numbers of nanofluids inside the engine were considered between 1000 to 8000 in a different range as that of the literature review. Reynolds analogy for heat and momentum has been employed in this study. It was observed that the thermo-physio-mechanical properties of nanofluids increased with increase in the concentration of nanoparticles and Reynolds number. However, the friction factor decreased with increasing Reynolds number but increased with an increasing volume concentration of nanoparticles. Generally, the results showed that the enhancement of the effective heat transfer of the nanofluids reached 46%, the overall heat transfer coefficient reached 39%, thermal conductivity reached 21.35% and Nusselt number reached to 38%. at 0.08% volume fraction of Fe2O3/spring water nanofluid. Based on all previous parameters estimated, the designed nanofluids in this study could be classified as a workable nanofluid in many industry applications
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