Measurements of Corona Discharge in Sharp –to-Plane Electrodes Configuration
Stabilization corona discharges, Sharp-to-Plane, Sulfur HexafluorideAbstract
A Dc positive sharp- to –plane Corona phenomena have been studied in electronegative gases (air ,and SF6 ) for pressure up to (3.2bar and gap length from 0.1 to 0.5 cm), with high degree of non-uniformity electric field. The corona –breakdown phases can exhibit anomalous characteristics. The exact physical process of such phenomena is not yet fully understood complete. To better understand this process precise knowledge about corona and spark discharge is necessary. Hence the dependency of corona inception and spark breakdown voltage on the pressure, non-uniformity field factor and the type of applied voltage ,also the type of materials. The steady region of corona discharge is observed in the ( sharp- to- plane ), for applied voltage between the threshold value voltage and onset value , we observe an effect that attaching gases. A Townsend type of discharge develops in the region close to point. At voltages above the onset value , the burst pulses are replaced by a Dc current ,and in some cases 'pre-breakdown ' streamer are also observed.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Hassan J. Mohammed, Habeeb S. Jasim

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