Measurements of Corona Discharge in Non-Uniform Field Freon GAP


  • A. S. Hasaani Collage of Science, University of Baghdad
  • Hassan J. Mohammed College of Engineering, Diyala University



corona discharge, non-uniform field, electronegative gases


Corona Discharge have been recorded in pin-to pin electrode at gas pressure gaps with high degree of non-uniformity electric field. For a wide range of experimental applicability the pin to pin electrode was used over pressure range from 1bar to 3bar and gap spacing from 0 to 5mm.
High –pressure dc corona discharge experiments have been carried out in a 16cm long glass chamber with an inner diameter and outer diameter are 16.8cm, and 19cm respectively. Corona onset voltage and breakdown voltages were reached. The design considerations of the setup allow to use pin to pin electrode type geometries. Electronegative gases such as air, Freon (R22), were separately used for low temperature corona generation. The experiments have been carried out under ambient Laboratory conditions of temperature (19-24 oC), and humidity. The present experiment were studies the relation between the (V-P) and (V-d), on other hand, we study the relation between the current and applied voltage.


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How to Cite

“Measurements of Corona Discharge in Non-Uniform Field Freon GAP”, DJES, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 47–61, Dec. 2014, doi: 10.24237/djes.2014.07404.

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