An Algorithm for Automatic Generation Control of Iraqi Power System Using Fuzzy Logic Technique


  • Afaneen Anwer Alkhazraji Department of Electrical Engineer, University of Technology-Baghdad, Iraq
  • Ihab Salim Department of Electrical Engineer, University of Technology-Baghdad, Iraq



Automatic generation control, Fuzzy logic controller, Iraqi super grid network, MATLAB/SIMULINK environment


This work proposes an algorithm based on Fuzzy Logic technique for the AGC of a power system controller to enhance the performance of the conventional controller during normal and abnormal condition (variation of load). The dynamic responses of Iraqi super grid network (400 kV) under normal and 10% step load increase (as a severe condition) to investigate using the fuzzy logic -PID controller and a conventional PID controller in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. The obtained results show the proposal intelligent controller and have improved the dynamic response of the Iraqi grid, and at the same time, It is faster than the conventional PID controller in terms of reducing settling time, overshoot and oscillations.


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How to Cite

“An Algorithm for Automatic Generation Control of Iraqi Power System Using Fuzzy Logic Technique ”, DJES, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 24–48, Sep. 2016, doi: 10.24237/djes.2016.09303.

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