A System Dynamics Simulation to Estimate Roundabout Entry Capacity by Adopting Three Different Methods


  • Raquim N. Zehawi Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Diyala, Iraq
  • Qusay W. Ahmed Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Diyala, Iraq




Roundabout, System Dynamics, Capacity, Traffic Simulation


Many models were introduced to estimate the  roundabout entry capacity from 1980s until  now. In the United States, transportation  agencies adopted three different models from  1994 until 2010. The Austroads, the UK, and  the HCM 2010 methods. In this paper, these  three methods were used to analyze the field  traffic data of Al-Quds roundabout, located  near Baqubah City, simultaneously by utilizing  a system dynamics model. The collected data  included turning movements, circulating flows,  and field calculated entry capacities whenever  possible during the observation period which  lasted for 14 consecutive hours. A comparison  is then conducted on the resulting entry capacities and their variation over time. The  results showed that the calculated capacity  according to Austroads method is the highest at all times while the UK method was always a little lower and the HCM 2010 method was  always the least on all entries. The UK method  capacity estimates were the closest to the field  measured capacities for they returned the least  RMSE on all entries. Field capacities showed some tendency towards the Austroads results  in the north and south bound entries which  carry about 66% of the total traffic. While, field capacities showed more proximity  towards the HCM capacity results in the east  and the west bound entries which carry 34% of  the total traffic.


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How to Cite

“A System Dynamics Simulation to Estimate Roundabout Entry Capacity by Adopting Three Different Methods”, DJES, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 35–45, Dec. 2018, doi: 10.24237/djes.2018.11406.

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