A Comparative Study on Methods of Estimating Liquefaction for Diyala Soil


  • Hassan Abbas Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Diyala
  • Jubran R. Fahad Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Diyala




Liquefaction potential, Diyala governorate, Earthquake, Sandy soil, SPT


The phenomenon of liquefaction is one of the most important problems in engineering projects.  It occurs in saturated sandy soils during the occurrence of earthquakes. Methods based on the standard penetration test (SPT) were developed to calculate the liquefaction potential according to the seismic loads. These methods have been developed and updated over time by some researchers. This paper analyses the comparison between methods of calculating liquefaction potential. The case study that was selected for the analysis of the comparison methods is Diyala Governorate soil. The methods that have been chosen for making a comparative analysis are the Japanese method, National Centre for Earthquake Engineering Research 1997 (NCEER) workshop, Task Force Report 2007 (Vancouver) and Boulanger and Idriss 2014. The analysis of results stated that the Boulanger and Idriss method is considered more suitable than others for calculating the potential for liquefaction in Diyala Governorate soil. It is found that the Boulanger and Idriss method has higher safety factor than the two methods (80.7% from Vancouver and 38.8% from the NCEER workshop) and less than the Japanese method.


In summary, Liquefaction is one of the critical topics in geotechnical engineering. SPT-based methods were developed by researchers to evaluate liquefaction potential. This paper studied a comparison analysis of the liquefaction potential by finding the factor of safety (FS) according to four methods proposed by Japanese, Task Force Report 2007 (Vancouver), NCEER workshop, and Boulanger and Idriss. It was found that the safety factor computed by the Japanese method was higher than the other three methods by 27.7% compared to Boulanger and Idriss. The lowest ​​ safety factor is calculated using NCEER method. The Vancouver method has low safety factor values as compared to the NCEER workshop method. As for the Boulanger and Idris method, a higher safety factor was founded than the other methods (80.7% from Vancouver and 38.8% from the NCEER workshop) and less than the Japanese method. The Boulanger and Idris method are the most suitable method for calculating the factor of safety of Diyala Governorate soil.



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Author Biography

  • Jubran R. Fahad, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Diyala

    Civil department/ M.Sc. student in soil mechanics and foundation


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How to Cite

“A Comparative Study on Methods of Estimating Liquefaction for Diyala Soil”, DJES, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 80–90, Jun. 2021, doi: 10.24237/djes.2021.14208.

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