A Miniaturized Folded Microstrip Antenna Array for Mimo Applications Based Biomedical System
Metamaterial, Microstrip Antenna, MIMOAbstract
In this paper, the focus on designing a microstrip antenna for wearable biomedical applications is investigated. The antenna array is folded on a cylindrical substrate for MIMO applications. The proposed array is based on two identical antenna elements. The separation distance between antennas elements is reduced using metamaterial (MTM) structures. The proposed MTM structure provides an excellent rejection band at 2.45 GHz. It is found that the antenna provides excellent matching at 2.45 GHz with gain of 4.8 dBi. The maximum coupling between antenna elements is -20 dB based on flat profile. However, the antenna array maintains the same performance after folding on a cylinder of 20 mm with coupling degradation, only, of -15 dB. The evaluation of the antenna array performance based on flat and folded profiles is carried out using Finite Integral Technique (FIT) based on CST Microwave Studio (CSTMWS) formulations.
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