Design of Fractional Order PID Controller Based Particle Swarm


  • Abdelelah Kidher Mahmood College of Engineering, University of Mosul
  • Bassam Fadel Mohammed College of Engineering, University of Mosul



FOPID controller, Particle Swarm


Fractional order PID (FOPID) controller is a special kind of PID controller whose derivative and integral order are fractional rather than integer which has five parameters to be tuned. This paper presents study of the implementation of tuning method and performance enhancement of the closed loop system by use of the fractional order PID (PIλDμ) controller utilizing a MATLAB/Simulink. The tuning methods for these type controllers have many mixed tools of the available optimization methods and update artificial optimization methods in the design. In this paper particle swarm optimization has been implemented to design FOPID controller in which the unknown parameters are determined minimizing a given integral of time weighted absolute error (ITAE). The main specification of this paper is that the all five parameters of (PIλDμ) have been found directly without spreading the steps. It has been shown that the response and performance of the closed loop system with FOPID controller is much better than integer order PID controller for the same system and with better robustness.


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How to Cite

“Design of Fractional Order PID Controller Based Particle Swarm ”, DJES, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 24–39, Dec. 2014, doi: 10.24237/djes.2014.07402.

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