The Role of Urban Morphological Indicators to Improve Commercial Streets of Alkut City Center


  • Hussam S. O. Aldelphi Department of Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering, Wasit University, Iraq



Urban Morphological Indicators, urban design‐based community, gentrification, commercial street, Alkut city center


In urban design and planning, there is often a great role for urban morphological indicators of cohesion and organization of the urban form to raise the efficiency of the performance of dealing with the built environment. Here, the research problem can be summarized in the fact that the growth of Al Kut city center and its accompanying commercial streets (as a case study) had a negative impact on the shape of the city, especially with poor compliance with laws and regulations governing to this growth. For this reason, the research assumed that adopting the Urban Morphological Indicators represents a solution to this negative phenomenon. The quantitative and qualitative analysis was adopted in conducting the field survey of the case study. To verify the research problem, a questionnaire was designed directed to the experts to answer the effective and verified morphological indicators to control growth in commercial streets. The SWOT method was adopted in measuring and analyzing results related to indicators (Spatial Configuration, Regularity, Urban articulating, Visual identity) according to four classifications (strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats). With the aim of morphological control of urban growth in the commercial streets of the city center. The research hypothesis was verified through an expert questionnaire designed to answer the effective and verified nature of morphological indicators for controlling growth in commercial streets. The most important conclusions and recommendations lie in enhancing strengths and opportunities, investing in them, activating, developing and strengthening weaknesses and threats and transforming their impact into a positive impact as much as possible.


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How to Cite

“The Role of Urban Morphological Indicators to Improve Commercial Streets of Alkut City Center”, DJES, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 44–57, Sep. 2020, doi: 10.24237/djes.2020.13305.

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