Compressive Capacity of Triangular Screw Piles Group Embedded in Soft Clay
Compressive, Group, Screw pile, Soft clay, Sandy soilAbstract
Screw piles are used in different projects such as underpinning, lateral support of retaining wall, foundation of tower and under pipeline. In recent years, the use of screw piles became wide in all world as a result of low cost, ease of installation and need simple machines to construct. A laboratory study of triangle pattern of screw piles group embedded in soft clay and extended to sand soil layer is carried out. Different parameters are investigated such as spacing between piles, number of helix plates and slenderness ratios L/ D. The results of this study showed that the efficiency of screw piles group increases when group extended to sandy layer. Also, a study showed that the compressive capacity of triangular pattern group decreases with increase spacing between piles for group of single and double helix plates. The percent’s of reduction are (61, 22, 15) % and (56, 25, 29) % for single and double helix group respectively.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Abeer S. Jamill, Hassan O. Abbas

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