The Contribution of Adsorbent Materials (Silica Gel and Sawdust) in Removing Water Vapor; Iraq as a Study Case
Renewable energy, Adsorption materials, Solar energy, Air conditioningAbstract
This research aims to remove the moisture (latent load) generated by the occupants of the space due to the addition of water vapor resulting from the natural breathing process, the perspiration that evaporates in the air of the space. In sum, the dehumidification system (DS) reduces the amount of latent load or removes it completely to reduce the load on the air conditioner. In this study, adsorbent materials, such as silica gel-Blue and sawdust were used and their effectiveness was compared when used in dehumidification. The results of these experiments for June showed that the adsorption rate and temperature of the blue silica gel - Blue were 20% and 34°C, while the humidity and temperature increased to 52% and 36°C when using sawdust (when rotating the dehumidifying system hourly). Moreover, for July, the adsorption percentages of silica gel-Blue were 8%, while the moisture content of sawdust increased to 49%, while the adsorption percentage in August when using silica gel - Blue was 10% and the relative humidity increased until it reached 39% when using sawdust. While the temperatures in July and August reached their maximum value when using silica gel - Blue and sawdust at 35°C and 36°C, respectively. The water vapor absorption rate in June, July, and August is 83.39 g, 70.82 g, and 65 g, respectively. While the drying process increased during these months due to the increase in solar radiation. Therefore, silica gel - Blue has proven its effectiveness by absorbing moisture more efficiently than sawdust. However, when drying sawdust, it was more effective and faster drying than silica gel - Blue.
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