Slope Stability Analysis For Earth Dams Using (GEO-SLOPE/W)


  • Jasim M. Abbas Department of Civil Engineering, University of Diyala, Iraq
  • Zainab Ali Mutiny Department of Civil Engineering, University of Diyala, Iraq



Earth Dams, Slope Stability, GeoSLOPE/W


The study of slope stability is important in the design and construction of the earth dams under influence of special states. Some factors affect on the slope stability for the earth dams such as change the water level in the reservoir, dam configuration, material properties..etc. In this study, the factor of safety of upstream slope stability for number of exist earth dams has been assessed. To achieve the objective of this study, Geo-SLOPE/W program that based on limit equilibrium methods was used. Taking into account the case of dry condition and gradually rise of water level in upstream part for these dams. It can be seems that the slope stability of the earth dams increased in case of dry condition. In addition, the slope stability increased when the water reach to maximum value.


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How to Cite

“Slope Stability Analysis For Earth Dams Using (GEO-SLOPE/W)”, DJES, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 70–81, Mar. 2018, doi: 10.24237/djes.2018.1112.

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