A Comparative Study of Two Soil Models of Tower Settlement under Eccentric Loading Nearby Slope
Communication Tower,, Settlement,, Eccentric Loading ,, Hardening Soil Model,, Mohr Coulomb ModelAbstract
Evaluation of settlement of structures constructed on flat ground is an important criteria, that importance increased when these structures available near slope which increase the settlement at certain distance over than its value on flat ground. This study evaluated maximum settlement of Communication Tower foundation using finite element method, this foundation presented near sand slope with constant height and angle, and subjected to eccentric load with constant ratio of eccentricity to foundation width (e/B) equal (0.15), the eccentricity of loading caused by moment, two constitutive models adopted in the study for (Loose, Medium and Dense) sand, the study examined effect of embedment depth, relative density of sand and constitutive model on the relation between maximum settlement and ratio of distance from crest of slope to foundation width (b/B). The results showed which of the two models is more appropriate to represent the problem of study, and showed that at the distance equal and more than half of width of foundation (b/B≥0.5), the effect of the slope on the values of the maximum settlement of foundation begin to disappear, loose sand has the greatest values of maximum settlement, medium and dense sand have a convergence results from each to other. In addition, the results showed the effect of embedment depth in reducing the maximum settlement rate by an approximate range of (32.6 – 42.6) %.
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