Assessment of The Geotechnical Properties of Municipal Solid Waste and Its Effect on The Surrounding Soil: A Review
Geotechnical Properties,, Landfills, Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Open Dumping SitesAbstract
Due to rapid growing of population and active lifestyle, massive amounts of municipal solid waste (MSW) are produced worldwide. The MSW can harm the environment and threaten the land if the dumping sites are not managed scientifically. The geotechnical properties of MSW are the key parameters required in the landfill operations and waste management facilities. Hence, presence of the geotechnical properties data of the waste can assist engineers in selecting possible solutions for extension of the landfill and obtaining prior background data for the evaluation and design of landfills. MSW disposal changes the geotechnical properties of soil. Also, alterations in the geotechnical properties of soils may contribute to the physical and physico-chemical interactions between soil and contaminants of the dumping sites. As leachate, which is generated by the waste, penetrates into the soil, it moves pollutants into the soil and influences the strength and stability of the soil. The main objective of this research is to summarize the most recent literature of the physical and mechanical properties of MSW, and their influence on the geotechnical properties of soil. The findings of numerous investigations on the physical and mechanical characteristics of MSW and soil influenced by MSW are presented and discussed. Depending on the reviewed research studies, it can be observed that the engineering characteristics of MSW are complicated and varied for various reasons. The waste components and degradation process can cause an increase in moisture content and unit weight, and a decrease in organic content, hydraulic conductivity and compressibility of MSW. Additionally, MSW sites significantly impact the physical and mechanical characteristics of underlain and surrounding soil and deteriorate the soil quality. Further, it was noticed that the influence of dumping on soil is reduced with depth due to less interaction between the soil and waste
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